Keeping the Promise

The Stronghold Freedom Foundation was founded to address the toxic exposures of military veterans who were deployed to Karshi-Khanabad, Uzbekistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. The Foundation's mission is to bring awareness to the long-term effects of exposure to the toxicants present at the base. 


URGENT ASK! We need your signature! We have a private meeting with the Secretary of the VA. We want our Veterans, Families, Survivors and Supporters to showcase their support by signing this petition so we can show how many people are affected by the terrible conditions at K2.

If you are so inclined, please share the reason you are signing so that your message will be heard LOUD and CLEAR.

PLEASE Sign and Share!

Donations to the Petition website do not go to the Stronghold Freedom Foundation.

Mission Statement

The Stronghold Freedom Foundation utilizes awareness and partnerships to serve those who were exposed to toxic conditions while deployed in the service of our country.

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